
Accessibility Statement

Any person accessing this site agrees to the following:

Amarex is committed to making its electronic information and communication technologies (ICT) including its websites accessible to individuals with disabilities by complying with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This commitment applies to members of the public, employees, and applicants for positions with the Amarex Section 508 is a federal law that requires agencies to provide individuals with disabilities access to ICT and data comparable to those who do not have disabilities unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency. The Section 508 standards are the technical requirements and criteria that are used to measure conformance with the law. More information on Section 508 and the technical standards can be found at www.access-board.gov. The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 can be found at www.w3.org/tr/wcag20.


Any employee, applicant, or member of the public with a disability (Complainant) who believes Amarex ICT is inaccessible in violation of Section 508 may file an informal complaint. If the Complainant is not satisfied with the response to the informal complaint, then the Complainant may file a formal complaint. Informal Complaint. A complainant initiates the informal process by informing the responsible delivery manager orally or in writing of the alleged discrimination or inaccessibility of Delivery programs, activities, or ICT. Likewise, an applicant must inform the selecting official, and a member of the public must inform the responsible Delivery manager of the inaccessibility. If the matter cannot be resolved within 30 days of its receipt by the delivery manager or official, the Complainant should receive an interim status report. On or before the 60th day from the agency's receipt of the informal complaint, the appropriate Delivery Service area or functional vice president will send a written decision to the Complainant detailing the disposition of the informal complaint. Formal Complaint. If an informal complaint is denied relief, the Complainant may seek relief in any other appropriate forum, including the right to file a formal complaint with the Vice President and Consumer Advocate in accordance with the following procedures. If the Complainant files a formal complaint with the Vice President and Consumer Advocate, the Complainant shall exhaust the formal complaint procedures before filing suit in any other forum. A formal complaint must be filed within 30 days of the date the Complainant receives the decision of the area/functional vice president denying relief. Formal complaints must be sent to the Vice President and Consumer Advocate at the following Headquaters

Updated on July 12, 2023


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